First Post


I'm Abra, I'm the mom-blogger behind three little luces.

So, why am I here?
Good question.
I don't really know, yet.

A lot of my family and friends follow me on Instagram and always comment on how I should start a blog. Why do they do that? *insert shrug emoji* I post a LOT on my Insta Story. A. Lot. I tell my friends, "I post like they're paying me." They aren't. But it's fun for me! I LOVE watching other mom's Insta Stories... I've had positive feedback with I post! I think that's where the, "You should start a blog!"comments come from.

As a mom, I follow a ton of mom-bloggers. I'm telling you, I love those ladies! I don't even know them IRL but the tips, inspiration and just the will to keep mommin' is something that I really enjoy reading and watching every day.

So, what's my purpose here? Again, I'm not sure. I hope to provide some kind of inspiration to other people, sure. But I'm not sure I will achieve that. I am a 30something year old mom of three, a teacher, a daughter, wife, etc... but what do I have to offer? I don't endorse anything. I don't sell anything. Basically, I'm just here. I will write, and you can read. And if either of us gets something more out of it, we'll call it a win.

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