A Day In Our Life

So I figure that, as I go public with this blog, I need to post a day in our life. So here's a typical Thursday.

Lights up at 6:18! Lennon just ate...but my early bird...

Is ready for his precious mini muffins. This guy goes down like a champ... but at the slightest hint of sunrise... here he is.

I just pulled this mug back into rotation and I was PUMPED about it.

I like to call this picture "an ode to sleep training." We spent four years. FOUR. getting this girl to not want to sleep in our bed. Number three came and that went out the window. Yanno, someday, she will want to deny being our kid. So for now, I'll take the cuddles. Evie went through a LONG period of being DIF.I.CULT. going down. We went through a lot trying to get her to sleep In her big girl bed...

Everyone up and ready to go!

"Have a boy," they said. "It'll be different," they said. Ugh true THAT. This man. He's the light of my life.... til he starts trying to eat my mascara. 

Evie. Being the good big sister she is. Keeping brother from throwing himself down the stairs as we board the car.

I feel like our days of Eversyn messing with Alden as he car sleeps are just beginning.

Mom time! All 3 littles at my sweet parents while I enjoy coffee and muffins and grocery shopping. #canigetanamen

And here we see the stuff begin to hit the fan. 2 criers and a dumped bowl of cereal. Luckily, we have a built in Roomba. #lainey.

Time out for kitchen dancing.

My Roomba has turned on me. Grabbing a box of corn dogs...but luckily not inhaling any. And needing emergency x-rays. Not that that has happened before. (It has. The day we went to find out Alden's gender.)

Someone chose to forgo his nap today and eat tables instead. Oh teething. What will I ever do with you.

So, one sans nap. One endlessly needing to be held. And me, trying hopelessly to update 3 baby books (because with four under four, you are constantly updating) SERENITY NOW.

And then, all of a sudden, it's 4:00. And I'm about to leave to go meet Whitney for drinks (because moms meet at 5 for drinks when you have babies in rapid succession) and this one decides to look like he's big enough to leave for college tomorrow. Ugh, my mama heart.

Zombie dust, you are just what I needed today.

7:30. Home again and ready for all of the baby snuggles.

It's a whirlwind everyday....but I am so here for it!

If you missed it, I posted two post introducing ourselves before this one. Meet us there!

Feel free to comment if you're living the same circus we are

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