Apple Orchard

Happy End of September! Today we went to our local apple orchard.
Check out Eversyn's foot. We can't figure out what's happening here...
Ready to go!
Alden was not a fan of any part of the orchard.
This was okay.
He cried the entire tractor ride. It was as though he was facing the end of the earth. Poor Alden!

He was, however, really thrilled to carry this apple around all day. Props to him also for hanging on to the SAME apple and not trying to eat the rotten ones on the ground. #attaboy
My boss babe.

I finally updated my chalkboard for Halloween 🎃👻 
What it looks like when your 1 month old is going through ~something~ and your one year old didn't nap.
Family picture at Evie's request. Only this big girl can get her dad to take a decent selfie. I love these people! 
Happy Almost October <3

A Day In Our Life

So I figure that, as I go public with this blog, I need to post a day in our life. So here's a typical Thursday.

Lights up at 6:18! Lennon just ate...but my early bird...

Is ready for his precious mini muffins. This guy goes down like a champ... but at the slightest hint of sunrise... here he is.

I just pulled this mug back into rotation and I was PUMPED about it.

I like to call this picture "an ode to sleep training." We spent four years. FOUR. getting this girl to not want to sleep in our bed. Number three came and that went out the window. Yanno, someday, she will want to deny being our kid. So for now, I'll take the cuddles. Evie went through a LONG period of being DIF.I.CULT. going down. We went through a lot trying to get her to sleep In her big girl bed...

Everyone up and ready to go!

"Have a boy," they said. "It'll be different," they said. Ugh true THAT. This man. He's the light of my life.... til he starts trying to eat my mascara. 

Evie. Being the good big sister she is. Keeping brother from throwing himself down the stairs as we board the car.

I feel like our days of Eversyn messing with Alden as he car sleeps are just beginning.

Mom time! All 3 littles at my sweet parents while I enjoy coffee and muffins and grocery shopping. #canigetanamen

And here we see the stuff begin to hit the fan. 2 criers and a dumped bowl of cereal. Luckily, we have a built in Roomba. #lainey.

Time out for kitchen dancing.

My Roomba has turned on me. Grabbing a box of corn dogs...but luckily not inhaling any. And needing emergency x-rays. Not that that has happened before. (It has. The day we went to find out Alden's gender.)

Someone chose to forgo his nap today and eat tables instead. Oh teething. What will I ever do with you.

So, one sans nap. One endlessly needing to be held. And me, trying hopelessly to update 3 baby books (because with four under four, you are constantly updating) SERENITY NOW.

And then, all of a sudden, it's 4:00. And I'm about to leave to go meet Whitney for drinks (because moms meet at 5 for drinks when you have babies in rapid succession) and this one decides to look like he's big enough to leave for college tomorrow. Ugh, my mama heart.

Zombie dust, you are just what I needed today.

7:30. Home again and ready for all of the baby snuggles.

It's a whirlwind everyday....but I am so here for it!

If you missed it, I posted two post introducing ourselves before this one. Meet us there!

Feel free to comment if you're living the same circus we are

The Three Little Luces

So I guess I need to explain the faces behind the title! Here’s a little synopsis about my three littles...

This is Lennon Hazel. She’s our newest beeb, born August 22, 2018. She’s sweet and dainty and... that’s about it. She’s just over a month old so we are still getting to know each other ☺️ My extent of blogging out this lady might be to share my excitement about her pooping regularly. Yes, she is named for the late, great John.

My middle, Alden Daniel. Born May 11, 2017. He is my only boy and the ham in our sandwich! I always say, in a word, Alden is Joy. He is always just thrilled to be here! Alden loves hard and is fantastic to cuddle (hello, pudgy baby bod!).  Everyone is Alden’s audience and he is here to entertain.

My OG, Eversyn Finley. Born June 26, 2014. She is an old soul, this one. She’s smart and articulate for her four years, but comes jam packed with drama. Evie was BORN to be a big sister. She’s a mother hen and a boss babe. Evie has a sharp wit and will tell it like it is #fouryearoldprobz

My family also comes with a few others...
Ok, so I guess THIS is my OG. Lainey. Our chocolate lab! She’s 5. We got Lainey from a breeder when she was just a pup. Let me tell you. The first three years of this dog’s life were ROUGH (you’re welcome for not saying “ruff”). Lab puppies are no joke! Literally, Dan and I would watch her run back and forth through our (new at the time) living room and slam her body into the walls. Now, at five, she’s the alpha among her babies. Gentle as can be but still a pup at heart.

We love our Lainey!*
*who, as I blog, has stolen yet another snack cup. Sigh.

Of course, there’s my Hubby and I too...
Dan and I started dating in 2009. We got married in 2012. We both went to the same high school (however, he graduated before I even got there) and we met, we think, in 2005 (when he was at Purdue and I was a senior). We started seeing each other out and chatting every once in awhile and eventually, he asked me out on a date! And of course, as they say, the rest is history.

So that's us! The faces behind the three little luces. They are all currently VERY little #fourfourandunder but I am in no rush to see them get big. I am absolutely loving every* moment with these rugrats and already feel like time is moving SO fast.

*Not every. That is NOT true. I also have my days of stress, tension, "give me wine," "get me outta here," "omg I am DONE with this day," days. But I know this is a season and it is fleeting and I am trying to just hang on to the good and the bad!

Welcome, welcome!

First Post


I'm Abra, I'm the mom-blogger behind three little luces.

So, why am I here?
Good question.
I don't really know, yet.

A lot of my family and friends follow me on Instagram and always comment on how I should start a blog. Why do they do that? *insert shrug emoji* I post a LOT on my Insta Story. A. Lot. I tell my friends, "I post like they're paying me." They aren't. But it's fun for me! I LOVE watching other mom's Insta Stories... I've had positive feedback with I post! I think that's where the, "You should start a blog!"comments come from.

As a mom, I follow a ton of mom-bloggers. I'm telling you, I love those ladies! I don't even know them IRL but the tips, inspiration and just the will to keep mommin' is something that I really enjoy reading and watching every day.

So, what's my purpose here? Again, I'm not sure. I hope to provide some kind of inspiration to other people, sure. But I'm not sure I will achieve that. I am a 30something year old mom of three, a teacher, a daughter, wife, etc... but what do I have to offer? I don't endorse anything. I don't sell anything. Basically, I'm just here. I will write, and you can read. And if either of us gets something more out of it, we'll call it a win.